
Please note that there will be a tryout fee for all players and we ask that you attend the tryouts for your current grade level. If you want to be a part of our program but cannot attend tryouts please contact us at your earliest convenience.  

Please only choose to tryout for one program within Supreme per season, either for the spring/summer season for Lincoln, CNBA, 308, Tri-City, or for the fall/winter for either East, Silverhawks or Thunder. When trying out for multiple programs, you are potentially hindering other players from being selected for teams. If you choose to tryout for multiple programs, you are giving up your right to pick what program to play for, and Supreme will choose what program you will receive an invitation to play for. Please do not talk to Supreme coaches about what program to tryout for, email or with those types of questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Basketball Player Scholarship

It is one of Supreme Basketball’s founding principles to avoid turning a child away from our programs due to financial reasons. We are proud to offer financial assistance to any player or participant in need. While we cannot always meet the exact request of each application we will always make every effort to work with the applicant to find a solution.
kids practicing